Direct 1-303-770-0389 1-844-822-5433

Planning For Your Future, by Planning Today.

Business Planning Resource Network has a vendor relationship with BizEquity and markets business valuations through their cloud IT platform. Interested parties that want to purchase a business valuation will have to go through the following steps to complete the process:

Step #1

Step #2


Biz Equity contact for IT help:

Thomas Soehngen



Similar to the technological advances of the computer world and its profound effect on the business world in the 90’s, significant advances have been made to enhance the administration and management of employees in the workplace using an integrated IT systems online platform. It comes at a time when there are rapid complications of increasing regulatory burdens from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and day-to-day demands on hiring, time and management operations, payroll, and HR functions, all taking place within a busy workplace.   In addition, there are increased payroll reporting filings and employment tracking requirements associated with ACA. SmarterHr represents a comprehensive, efficient way to integrate all of the office functions into a seamless and paperless HR management system. Let us share with you a no-obligation webinar so we can show how we can customize a single integrated solution for your company today.    

  EZpayworkerscomp is an evolving marketplace solution to managing the cost burden that businesses face when paying the monthly premiums for workers compensation. A pay-as-you-go solution has arrived with payroll integration, with a one-and-done seamless approach to the workers compensation market. EZpayworkerscomp offers business owners competitively priced workers compensation options from national carriers, an elimination of initial deposits and yearly audits, and the opportunity to eliminate the constant administrative costs of keeping up with monthly invoice and billing cycles.

Pay-As-You-Go Worker’s Comp Providers


Business Succession and Estate Planning

Business Succession and Estate Planning are planning processes that evolve over the life of the business, and they seek to lock down the business value as it grows and is eventually sold or transitioned to the next generation of ownership. Without a solid business plan, the financial impact on your business may be a significant loss of market value at the time of transfer. Business Planning Resource Network offers a team approach to working with business owners who wish to explore unlocking the full financial potential of their business and developing a comprehensive exit strategy.  

Key Man Insurance

Key Man Insurance is an often-overlooked financial tool that protects the business against the financial loss of a key employee due to a death or disability. A key man, whether as an owner or employee, is anyone who provides significant value to a company and whose long-term absence would cause a significant financial loss to the firm due to a death or long-term disability. It can be an effective tool in covering the liquidity needed following the loss of the key individual in the corporation. keyman  
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